Very eloquently spoken, Leonard,

a thought-provoking posting in the Christmas spirit indeed.

A happy X-mas to you and your's!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Leonard Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 14. desember 2003 04:16
Subject: Reflections on our e-community

|         A couple of evenings ago my son happened to be looking over my
shoulder as I read through some of my
| LuteNet mail.  He was rather intrigued by some of the topics, queries and
responses.  As I began to explain
| what some threads were about, and their histories, I began to realize
that, as superficial as e-mail may
| appear, much more emerges from our various styles.  I tend to graft
particular personalities onto various
| senders based on what and how they write.  I (we) form alliances without
(in many cases) even meeting the
| people we read.  I may like what you write, but who knows what would
happen in a real meeting!  I guess we
| need to be mindful of how we present ourselves in this unusual space.
|         Though our membership ranges from around the globe, we have what
amounts to a small cyber-space
| cafe.  There are the regulars, presenting a variety of perspectives;
newcomers to the lute, seeking advice
| or cameraderie.  There are comedians, sages, wall-flowers, cranks.  This
place caters to folks of all
| persuasions and professions: players, builders, doctors, lawyers,
scientists, mystics.  And of course our
| patient barista, Wayne, who lets us carry on until it looks like some of
the clientele are ready to run.
| We've all stopped in to check the latest or most authentic information on
the object of our passion.  We
| savor the free flow of information that, until this place opened a short
time ago, was a rare elixir.  And
| everyone has something to contribute, even beginners on the lute who ask
those questions that make us all
| think a little more clearly about what we're doing.
|         This is a really special place. Even though I've at times had my
fears about breaking the "delete"
| key (really, my spam is a million times worse!), I'll always stop in here
for my info fix.
|         Thanks everyone for making this cyber-space a community!  And
Wayne, thanks for staying open to us
| all 24/7!
|         Best wishes to you all in the holiday season.  Remember:  Things
always get brighter after the
| soltice.  May you all find new light on your paths!
| Sincerely,
| Leonard Williams
|    []
|   (_)
|     ~

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