I suppose this is what in Lutenet-parlance is called a "Panzer"? Looks good
though. The album also sounds fine. Suppose I should go back and read those
"Panzer"-postings. As I recall, they were mostly negative.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: 22. desember 2003 18:57
Subject: Re: Stringing

| Göran wrote:
| >
| > Listening again to Martin Best's LP from 1974, (inspiring record, with
| > lute, Argo /Decca ZRG 765) Coverpicture shows a 9 course with top course
| > removed and 1st and 2nd
| > single. Nice lute w/ what seems like metal frets (any particulars
| > Not on the record.) Was that
| > the way to play in early '70's? (I suppose you took what was available
| > adapted it...)
| I don't know if this answers your question, but I own a lute that was
built in the early 70's. It too has metal frets, and is thick and heavy like
a large bodied acoustic guitar. It's also varnished within an inch of its
life and has a gilded Britannia metal rose. The mensur is also very long at
around 67mm. I fully string it with a combination of nylon and metal wound
bass fundamentals. I've heard that until Robert Lundberg's research became
more widely known and accepted that this was how lutes were "recreated" in
the late 60's and early to mid 70's.
| Regards,
| Craig

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