Dear Jon,

I'm pleased my e-mail on the theorbo tuning was useful. I think you
understand it now.

The word "re-entrant" is used to describe a tuning where the strings
do not ascend in the usual order of pitch. A harp, a violin, a
modern guitar - these and many more - do not have re-entrant
tunings, because as you go from the lowest string to the highest,
each successive string is higher than the previous one.

A good example of an instrument with a re-entrant tuning is the
five-string banjo, which has that short 5th string tuned higher than
the others, yet it lies where you'd expect the lowest string to be:

   _|8          °

String:    5    4    3    2    1

The English cittern is another instrument with a re-entrant tuning:


Course:    4    3    2    1

which is similar to the re-entrant tuning of the ukulele:


String:    4    3    2    1

The baroque guitar had various tunings, of which this re-entrant one
was common in France:

   _|8          °

Course:    5    4    3    2    1

The re-entrant tuning of a theorbo with 2 courses down an octave
would look like this:

        ---------o- °
Course:14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

I've not tried writing music in this way before. It looks OK on my
screen; I just hope it comes out OK on yours. You'll need a
mono-spaced font like Courier to get the vertical alignment correct,
and with luck the little degree signs will look like notes in the
spaces between lines.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lute Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Stewart McCoy"
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: Double 1st (HIP message included)

> OK, I'm a retired computer programmer at that level where we wrote
> internal code. Re-entrant has a meaning to me that may be
different than
> your use in the musical sense. But there may be a parallel. Do you
mean that
> the theorbo tuning allows you to "run up" the instrument and
re-enter the
> melody at a lower pitch?

> Best, Jon

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