Dear Herbert,

the name/title of Josquin's mass composition is "Hercules dux Ferarriae", composed for 
duke Ercole I. and based on a short melody constructed as to mirror the sound of the 
latin title in the solmisation syllables of its notes (at least if I remember well - 
maybe there's a Josquin scholar on the list to correct me ....).

Yours sincerely,

Joachim Luedtke

"Herbert Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>On pg 104 of Damiani's lute method book is a piece headed
>M de Fuenllana. Duo de la missa de Hercules.  Josquin.  Pleni sunt coeli.
>It is a Vihuela piece.
>We are accumtomed to papgan inroads into Christianity from northern
>Europe, such as Dec 25 as Jesus' birth date, the Christmas tree, Santa
>Claus, and the Easter bunny.
>However, this is the first time I've seen Greek/Roman mythology (Hercules)
>incorporated.  Any ideas why the 16th century Spanish priests were happy
>celebrating Mr Hercules?


Dr. Joachim Luedtke
Frühlingsstraße 9a
D - 93164 Laaber
Tlf.: ++49 / +9498 / 905 188
Mobil: 0172 / 275 49 48


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