Hi All,
My first thought when looking at this lute was it sure looked like my Paki 
lute.  This based on the apparent raw pine soundboard not quite quartersawn (or 
"quartersawn" from young trees), and its grain orientation--  not quite 
parallel with the long axis of the lute.  Although it wouldn't be conclusive, 
the materials in the back appear the same.  Finally, the pattern of the peg 
ends is the same.  The real major difference is the pattern of the rose--  
something fairly easy to change where the price of hand work is really low.  
I also looked at the harps he has for sale.  There is a small 'world music' 
instrument store not for from where I live.  They have a collection of 
similarly made and decorated harps.  They are from Pakistan.  
Sooo...  I took the bull by the horns and sent an email to the guy who runs the 
shop in Germany offering the lute, etc.  His answer to my question about the 
origin of the lute:  "These lutes are made by musical instrument makers in 
Asia, especially for me..."  He didn't get more specific.  
I think he's pretty proud of his stuff because his prices are way high, even if 
one considers the dollar and euro at one to one.  There are a couple music 
stores in Florida selling a similar inventory--  Paki lutes, harps, bagpipes, 
practice chanters etc.  They advertise essentially the same lute on US eBay 
frequently for prices in the three to four hundred dollar range.  
My two cents worth.


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