I've always been a heretic in lute-matters, but am quite happy playing Weiss 
on a guitar tuned to D-minor while octavating the basses. Perfectly viable.

Also, the 11 string guitar is by no means a new invention. The swedish 
guitarbuilder Bolin was making his "Altguitars" already in the 60's. Listen 
to Göran Söllscher being a fair exponent.

BTW wasn't this a lute list?


On Apr 7, 2005 8:03 AM, Markus Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you, Ed, for giving this recording.
> Of course it is much easier to play Weiss (or baroque lute music in general) 
> if you have a  guitar with additional basses.
> A "normal" guitar has it restrictions, but anyway Weiss stays beautiful music 
>  even on such an instrument.
> I've begun to play Weiss and to estimate him through playing his music on a 
> concert guitar.
> Also I'm not a virtuoso on it, many of the Weiss suites worked very well on 
> it.
> In my eyes the main problem is how musically these adaptions are played and 
> if they have the baroque spirit that Weiss has.
> Regarding Schneeweiss I can only add, that his paraphrases of Weissian music 
> had been one of the main causes I have turned to the (baroque) lute.
> I feeled that his recordings doesn't fit at all the spirit of this music and 
> I wanted to learn how it sounded and how it should be played.
> Best
> Markus

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