
I didn't read your comment as one having to do with the "non-skid", which is
clearly lute related. I read it as a comment on the general manners of the
list. I started on lists before the web (developed by Tim Berners-Lee in
1989) and the general public use of the internet. I was a co-manager of a
technical advice list on Delphi. We had a few with bad manners, but they
didn't last long. We didn't ban them, we isolated them. But in those days
the list, and the internet, were a small community. My old "site" (it became
a web site) is now a haven for flamers on the "idiocy" of those who disagree
as to what is the latest and best video card, or audio card, or whatever
card. For all I know I may still be listed as co-manager, I still was only a
few years ago when I hadn't visited for years.

We each offend the rules at times. You have done it with political
commentary - but passed in passing rather than meant as pontifical. I have
done it by sometimes speaking too soon before I know enough - but with the
urge to contribute. RT has done it by denigrating views other than his own,
although I'm sure that is his style rather than his substance - no one who
can research and offer such enjoyable music as the Sarmanticas can be all
bad <g>.

So it comes down to this, manners are a matter of style (in a sense). Most
of you are from Europe and aren't exposed to the daily "in your face"
commercials on US TV - where the values of the hoodlum are used to promote
sneakers (plimsols for the English, basketball shoes as a generic).
Confrontation is counter productive, it merely provokes more confrontation.
It isn't the matter of the specific relevance to lutes, a few side issues
are fun now and then, it is the presentation.

Arto, you may be getting old - but imagine how I feel! I met my first
computer in 1961 after graduating from college and spending three years as a
Naval officer. In those days one still used the title Mr. to anyone you
didn't know well. And I've watched the evolution of the internet since its
inception (in 1969). But I will say that there is little "screaming" on this
list (that defined as SAYING IT ALL IN CAPS). Very bad manners in the early
times, but often used by the "kiddies".

This list is pretty balanced and well run. I get to run through the postings
quickly with my "delete" key, but most of those I delete aren't irrelevant -
they are just too advanced (and on topic) for my beginner status. I'm not
yet into discussing the relative merits of Weiss and Dowland, not until I
can play them. But those discussions belong here, and it is easy for me to
bypass them until I'm ready for them. But so do those about the technical
aspects of the instrument, and the strings - and the players with no
interest can bypass them as easily as I can bypass the deeper matters of
composers and styles (until I reach that level).

Best, Jon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Arto Wikla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dr. Marion Ceruti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 3:30 AM
Subject: Re: The List!

> Dear Marion and others,
> sorry, I did not mean to insult you, and not even RT!
> I understand the paper bag's linking to lutensts problems.
> And I understand also how the (in)famous "S" actually has
> something to do with lutes.
> "In the good old days" "all was better"...  ;-)
> So perhaps my main message was only the last sentence:
> > Perhaps I am getting old? ;-)
> All the best
> Arto
> To get on or off this list see list information at

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