Gary Bryan wrote:
>In other words, the archives for this list are not closed and
>are searchable by Google and other search engines. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that what is searchable by
Google are the messages posted in , which Wayne
started up on 23/08/2003.

Am I wrong in, that if you wish to search through all of the archives,
you'll still have to go to Wayne's site and download the zipped files
for all consecutive years before the above mail-archive was started.
In that case, wonderful!

And I agree wholeheartedly with Arto. What a bounty of
lute-information there is to be found from the 90's. Not much in the
style of some of today's posters. Generation change?

Usually, when I have a lute question, I search through the archives
and often find the answer there. Additional information I find in "New
Grove", DAS' "History" and a few other sources. After making a search
there, if not finding what I was looking for, I approach the List.

Many of the threads that pop up today have been dealt with previously.
But I suppose it is futile to expect present lute-netters to go about
it as thoroughly...

Thankfully, there are still some very knowledgeable people following
what is going on here, but is the number dwindling, due to
understandable reasons?

"When will they ever learn?
  when will they ever learn?" 


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