Hi all,
Looks a lot like a really nicely done guitar-lute.  I have a number of them and 
the peg head and apparent almost black color of the ribs are the only 'unusual 
for guitar-lute' aspects.

"Mathias Rösel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7331352015
>> whatever the neck and sound board may be, the belly once upon a time
>> of a baroque lute.

> How are you so certain, Mathias? Do you know this piece itself?

no. to be sure, I don't get any royalties for this :)

> At first look, the whole appears to me to be consistent with quality 
> lauten/guitar-lutes of the early Wandevogel era.

well, by and large that may be so. The pegbox is a bit exceptional,
perhaps (no bent pegboxes on wandervogel lutes, usually).

However, if you take a closer look to the back of the belly you will
notice a difference. The shape of the belly is more oblong, and the ribs
resemble those e. g. of a Stegher lute much more, than those of
wandervogel lutes.

I don't know the intrument myself, but I was startled at the pictures.



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