Aha! The perfect answer! I rarely go to the LSA page --more fool me.

Thanks Arto,

On Aug 18, 2005, at 6:26 AM, Arto Wikla wrote:

> Dear Sean,
>> I'm not sure I've seen references below to the earlier edition of Il
>> Fronimo (I'm sorry I don't know the publ date --my HMBrown resides at
>> the library ;^). It has different musical examples, eg, the Ancor che
>> col partire and its fantasy aren't in the 1584 ed. Are there other
>> contrapunti in it as well as the BM works? This has been very
>> difficult to find!
> In the LSA page
>   http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~lsa/associated/Galilei/
> they have lots of information of Il Fronimo! There is for ex. a
> spreadsheet
> "For a clearer presentation of the concordances among the two
> publications of Fronimo and the various secondary sources, we provide a
> cross-index in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. (49.5 KB)"
>  http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~lsa/associated/Galilei/MusicIndex.xls
> It lists and compares the pieces in the 1568 and 1584 versions of Il
> Fronimo. There you can find that  "Ancor che col partir" is on page 66
> of the 1568 edition (the Fantasia on "Ancoe" is on page 94).  And there
> are many pieces that are only in one of the editions.
> best,
> Arto
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