> but an excellent book on the subject is "Continuo Playing According to 
> Handel."
> This is available in the Oxford Early Music Series with a running 
> commentary
> by David Ledbetter. A chance to learn continuo playing from a master.

Or see Bach's 'General bass regeln'. facsimile and English translation. 
Published in the same series. SImilar content.

C.P.E. Bach's 'Versuch' might be a little late, but is excellent, of course.

Olms in Germany recently published a two part book with all (?) Italian 
1595-1655 continuo sources translated and supplied with examples. But the 
writer (Irmtraut Freiberg) didn't understand theorbo-tuning. Silly. Good 
thing Kapsberger is included, though.


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