ARIA is a Japanese firm founded in Nagoya by Shiro Arai<sic> in 1956.  They 
make electric guitars, for the most part, and acoustic Dreadnoughts.  No longer 
make lutes.   --ajn
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Christopher Witmer 
  Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:25 AM
  Subject: [LUTE] Re: Can anyone provide some insight into this instrument for 

  Thanks to the kind folks who have responded so far. I have a bit more 
  information: the lute has the brand name "ARIA." I did a quick Google 
  search and it seems like a 1970s-1980s brand (?) I could only find a 
  reference to a 7-8 course Renaissance model; nothing like this one. And 
  also I found someone saying it was an American instrument and someone 
  else saying it was a Japanese instrument, so I don't know what to think. 
  FWIW . . .


  Chris Witmer

  Daniel Josua Koenig wrote:
  > Dear Chris,
  > I think this lute dont look so good that I would buy it for a moment in
  > which your daughter can play it. For me it looks a litle bit heavy and also
  > the model I dont like for a 10-11 curse lute. Maybe you can see who made it.
  > There are lutes from germany around the year 1970 who are realy heavy and
  > more like guitars and you cant play it like a lute. For me it is looking a
  > little bit like one of this lutes.
  > Also I think that if your daugther loves the music there will be come the
  > day in which she chooses a instrument she loves too. That will be a
  > Instrument from which she probably is acompanied for the rest of her life
  > and I think it would be a litle bit frustrating if she must play this lute
  > who daddy once bought.
  > Regards Daniel

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