My first lute was an Aria and I got it in 1977. For a factory-made instrument, 
it was probably not too bad, but as a lute it left a lot to be desired. The 
construction was primarily plywood (good quality, but plywood nonetheless) with 
a stamped-out rosette. As a result, it was pretty heavy (and LaBella lute 
strings were fine on it) with a fairly thin sound. Probably the best part of it 
was the case--a nice form-fitted case with good plush lining
  When I had a store for a while about 10 years ago, I occasionally sold used 
Aria lutes that came through--but I sold them to theater companies or 
Renaissance Faire guitarists, both of whom needed something that looked like a 
lute but responded to harsh treatment and weather rather better than an 
historically accurate lute.
  Given the choices on the market today, I'd not recommend one of the Aria 
lutes, even to a beginner. I think you would find that it will not hold up 
(musically or tonally) as a long-term investment.  You might have to pay more 
to get a "real" lute, but in the long run it would be a better choice.
  On the other hand, the upper end Aria guitars are quite nice--made in Spain 
while their lower end instruments (Korean, I think) are nothing particularly 
special. I used to sell the better guitars and still recommend them to students 
who are looking for a good instrument at a reasonable price.

Guy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  They did, some years ago (20?) but didn't stick with it. I've seen a couple
of them, and wasn't impressed. They were rather heavy, didn't sound that
good, and they made some odd design decisions, like a curved fingerboard.
They did a much better job with guitars. I've still got my old 60's vintage
Aria "starter" classical guitar, and it's a respectable instrument.

BTW, IIRC, Aria doesn't actually have a factory, as such. They do the design
but job out the actual construction. I'm not sure where. It's been quite
awhile since I read that item, so someone on the list might have better


-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Loos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 8:00 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Factory build lutes

Dear members,
I wonder knows anybody if the guitar-factory "ARIA" also makes lutes, and
what there quality is. For instance 8-course renaissance lute.
Thanks in advance,


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