
These are the tensions i use on my theorbo (83/167) - hope that helps. I 
calculated the strings for 440 but use the same strings for 415 and actually 
prefer the instrument in 415 with these strings on.
Anyway, you might want to check with your lute maker - i am pretty sure that 
on my instrument the neck on the extension would come forward a bit if i put 
5 kg on all the diapasons.

Theorbo in A a'=440Hz 83cm.
String Note  Length  Tension
1st    a     83      4.6   KG
2nd    e     83      4.6   KG
3rd    b     83      4.6   KG
4th    g     83      4.6   KG
5th    d     83      4.6   KG
6th    A     83      4.4   KG
7th    G     83      4.4   KG
8th    F     167     3.6   KG
9th    E     167     3.9   KG
10th   D     167     3.9   KG
11th   C     167     3.9   KG
12th   B'    167     3.9   KG
13th   A'    167     3.9   KG
14th   G'    167     4.2   KG


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