I am pleased to announce that I now have a website of my very own.

It is


It has on it my edition of some pieces for baroque guitar by Francesco Corbetta which are not included in any of his surviving printed books - taken from a manuscript copied by Jean-Baptiste de Castillion in about 1706 which belongs to the Liege Conservatoire de Musique. They may date from the period between 1648-1670 when he seems to have had printed at least two books which no longer survive.

It is done using Django - which is not perfect for baroque guitar music but I think it reproduces the music in acceptable manner.

The pieces vary a bit in quality - some are better than others. I hope my fellow guitarists will find something amongst them to delight them.

Most people wont have a copy of the original manuscript as it hasn't been published in facsimile. But if you come across anything that seems odd I am willing to check - and make corrections for future reference.

The website also has on it the most recently revised version of my "String thing" which now includes more detailed comments on some of the sources of information.

As before - corrections and comments are welcome as this is an ever on-going project.

Best to send these to me privately - not to the list unless you think they are of great doctrinal import.


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