
I am afraid you over interpreted my statement. Actually I wasn't really 100%
serious writing it - maybe half serious.....or so. But obviously there is
some truth in every joke. How can we say things for 100% if we lack
convincing evidence? As I said we have variety of strings at our disposal,
we have technologies that were unconceivable for the old ones and whether we
use them or not is a matter of taste I suppose. I may like plain gut,
somebody else may prefer loaded strings.....fine! Let's make music! The
public will asses what sounds good. But we should make a living music of our
days (don't get me wrong again - I am not saying that the history doesn't
matter, no, no). This is however not a museum of the dead music - musical
fossils. We use the new historical findings to make us aware of how this
music could really sound some hundreds years ago, but I think this is not a
musical attitude to see somebody's performance only in a historical context.
We have only hypothesis now. So presumably someone believes that the loaded
strings really existed. But what will happen if somebody else proves they
never ever existed? Shall we classify somebody's performance as not HIP and
in consequence not worthy listening? As an example do listen to Magdalena
Kozena singing Haendel aria "Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre" and then interpretation
of the same piece by Victoria de los Angeles (both on Youtube). One is more
or less historically correct the other not so. But what would you like to
listen to? Probably each one of us would answer differently. And this shows
that historical correctness is not the most important factor in music making
(I stress it - not the MOST important). This is why I said - let's make
Now, back to the strings. I really have a big esteem for people that make a
painstaking efforts in order to recreate the facts from the past.
Nevertheless many questions still wait for answering. Meanwhile I wouldn't
hesitate to get the best sounding strings for my lute. And this "BEST
SOUNDING" probably will mean something different for each of us.

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Hind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 3:53 PM
To: damian dlugolecki; Net
Subject: [LUTE] Re: dyeing/loading

I can understand some lutists considering the historic question  
unimportant. I am thinking of what Jaroslaw said in an earlier message.

Indeed, Charles Besnainou told me he set out simply to improve on  
present strings with no care whatsoever about historical correctness.  
He found that wirewounds drowned the midrange and impeded the  
resonances at the bridge. He found that twisted gut and Pistoys at  
equal tension have poor high frequency performance (inharmonicity)  
and set out to solve that problem. I saw and heard spectrograms, of  
the same diameter string, hightwist plain-gut, Pistoy, and his own  
toroidal string, and you can observe and hear the difference in the  
high frequency behaviour of these strings. The worst spectrogram is  
given by the high twist and the best by his own strings the Pistoy in  
It seems that inharmonicity is related to loss of flexibility at the  
nut and at the bridge. Briefly the ripples of the sound waves  
encounter impedance and some return, out of phase. These out of phase  
returning waves, rapidly cancel the high frequency content and damp  
the wave (sorry, you will all be able to find fault in my explanation  
which is really a metaphor).

I imagine that dropping the tension of the hightwist string is going  
to lower that impedance and improve its behaviour (low tension  
theory). I do not know whether, Charles made comparisons of the same  
string types at varying tensions. This could be very interesting.

Anyway, Charles actually thought he had discovered something  
completely new, but then discovered that such ropes had existed, and  
had been used on musical instruments. When trying to solve a  
particular problem, we are highly likely to find that the ancients  
were confronted with the same problems, and came up with similar if  
slightly different solutions.

Nevertheless, for Charles the historic question remains quite  
secondary, and most of the ropes he now makes are in pure carbon. I  
still would prefer the gut ones, but his approach, open to history,  
but also applying science to find new solutions, may make it possible  
for synthetics users to stop using wirewounds. I for one am not  
against that.

I don't see any terrible problem in these different approaches  
coexisting, and musicians making the best of the string types that  
result from this. Let us not even want to close off some axis of  
discussion, because it is different from our own. Now whether, it is  
better to pick up one's lute and to play instead of discussing, is  
quite another question, and I think that is what I am juts about to do.

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