Dear Monica,

A hearty thank you for putting all this fascinating stuff online. Don't worry, 
some will enjoy it, I already do !

Thanks for sharing all this tremendous amount of work.

All the best,


======= 04-10-2008 21:56:27 =======

>   Dear List
>   I now have on my web page a study of Bartolotti similar to the one I
>   have done on Foscarini.   You will find this at
>       [1]
>   It includes an English translation of the prefaces to both his books
>   with comments on how these relate to the way that the music is notated
>   and a section dealing with his use of Lettere tagliate.
>   The Introduction includes a few snipets of information about him which
>   are not yet generally known.
>   I hope some of you will enjoy reading it.
>   Any comments or corrections will be gratefully received.
>   Monica
>   --
>   1.
>To get on or off this list see list information at
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