On Friday 23 January 2009, Anthony Hind rattled on the keyboard:
> Oups sorry, that is a gallicism, (although it is ambiguous in French,
> now you make me think about it). I have not completely acquired
> French, and I have already lost much of my English, soon to be in an
> interlingual no-man's land ...
> Come to think about it, French visitors to the UK were almost as
> surprised to find that fruit was sold per unit.
> Anthony
Ah, now I understand what you mean: its a brilliant CD not from the UK, so we 
must <<weigh>> the music. Well, there is some Weiss on the CD so it must be a 
bit heavier than a CD with only Saint-Luc or Gallot. How much lbs or gr is 
this CD? Lightweight ;-) ?

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