So it looks as though his mistake was in the pricing, seeking 14
   supporters (presumably) at 100 euros.  If it had been the other way
   round, 100 supporters at 14 euros, everyone would have been happy?

   2009/10/23 Jean-Marie Poirier <[1]>

     Dear Peter and all,
     Being one of the members of the French list who expressed his
     disapproval of Mr Y.'s "approach" , I would simply like to underline
     that I never said a word against the idea of using a subscription to
     help to realize a project, whatever this project may be : selling
     cds in advance for a slightluy smaller price seems a quite normal
     and acceptable solution. But I feel that asking potential buyers to
     pay 100 euros ( ca 150 $) for 1 CD is a bit too much, and that sort
     of sponsorship is altogether a quite different business.
     True, Mace asked people to subscribe to his book for 12 shillings,
     if we make a quick conversion in today's money we get approximately
     75 euros (or 112$) - see [2] for money
     conversions - but Musick's Monument was a sturdy 272 pages book
     which is still an authority on the question it deals with, today as
     in 1676 when it was published. I have already paid that sort of
     money and more for long-winded academic works or monumental
     editions, but for a compact disc...???
     I don't want to diminish Mr Y's - formerly known as Serdoura's -
     merit but if I wanted to get that sort of sponsor money for a cd I
     would NOT advertise that on the internet, a matter of decency and
     self respect, I suppose... I have never heard that any of our "top
     lutes" had resorted to that stratagem to release a  cd, or have I
     missed something ?
     Just a reminder : French people on the dole, with no regular income,
     get some 450 euros per month for a living... So I disagree with
     publicizing that sort of proposition : 100 for 1 CD...  Where is the
     "abuse" really ?
     All the best,
     Jean-Marie Poirier
     == En reponse au message du 23-10-2009, 11:49:22 ==

   >     Ooh dear, the members of the French lute list don't like this
   >     approach AT ALL and have been heaping abuse on Mr Y.  To me, it
   >     seems more in the spirit of Thomas Mace, who lists several
   >     supporters (at 12 shillings each) of Musick's Monument, and
   >     them with A Short Epistle of Thankfulness To all my Noble
   >     Subscribers (".. But You, Renowned Worthies, worthy of Renown,
   >     are the Men, High Jupiter will own...").

   >   Intriguing to see Isaac Newton among Mace's subscribers.  Was he
   >   to have any interest in the lute?

   >   P
   >   ---------- Forwarded message ----------
   >   From: Miguel Yisrael <[1][3]>
   >   Date: 2009/10/20
   >   Subject: 1 CD "The Court of Bayreuth" Subscription - Miguel
   >   baroque lute
   >   To:
   >   Miguel Yisrael recorded a 2nd solo CD entitled "The Court of
   >   with music from German 18th century lute music. To be released by
   >   December the 1st 2009.
   >   This project still needs an extra 1400 to be concluded!
   >   We created a - 100 for 1 CD - subscription in order to finalize
   >   project, by the end of November.
   >   If you can help us, please go to this link ::
   >   [2][4]
   >   We warmly thank you for your contribution!
   >   _____________________________________
   >   Miguel Yisrael a enregistre un nouveau CD solo intitule "The Court
   >   Bayreuth", dedie `a la musique baroque allemande du XVIIIe siecle.
   >   Sortie prevue pour le 1er Decembre 2009.
   >   Ce projet a encore besoin de 1400 pour etre acheve!
   >   Nous avons cree une suscription - 100 pour 1 CD - en vue de
   >   ce projet. Si vous voulez nous aider, s'il vous plait allez sur ce
   >   lien: [3][5]
   >   Nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour l'aide que vous apportes
   >   ce projet!

   Peter Martin
   Belle Serre
   La Caulie
   81100 Castres
   tel: 0033 5 63 35 68 46
   mob: 0044 7971 232614
   e: [6]




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