> Again agree, but why there are no lute recitals, presentations,
> masterclasses at Greenwich? We know there were some in past, so why not
> this year?

well, who is to give the master class(s)?  who will play the recital? 
Somene with skill and a recognizable name; perhaos none were available on
those dates; perhaps the organizers took a theme that didnt encourage such
activitys.  Venue has to be rented and payed for, the artist expect
something in the envelope, and if travel is involved that fattens the
envelope and perhaps adds an expectation of accomodation; if only on some
friendly livingroom floor.

These are questions to put to the organizer(s), perhaps thru (for
Greenwich) the LS, or from someone who has volunteered and is on the
Dana Emery

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