I am a hundred percent with you David (and Valéry), carried away or not !

== En réponse au message du 11-01-2010, 10:33:41 ==

>There seem to be several subject headers around dealing with what
>this, I'll stick to this one.
>I've had my fair share of lessons and I teach. Lessons or commentary
>from fellow students at a conservatory are not for people with a
>fragile ego, but all comments are fair. People know what they talk
>about, can clearly hear and see what's wrong with your playing and
>will say so. And it's good they do, for that's the only way to become
>better. The point is the comments are fair and made by people with
>knowledge. Not everybody posting comments on YouTube is fair or knows
>what he/she is writing about. Or, if I play a concert, people come to
>me and say they liked. it. Of course I'm flattered, but what did they
>like? Probably something completely different from what I tried to put
>into the music. That's no problem, but the same is true with
>criticism: what it is they didn't like, is not always a valid point
>for me. I might lose some of my audience, but I cannot please
>everybody. It is important to know who is saying something, to be able
>to judge it well. I had a little girl of six in my audience last
>Wednesday who thought it was utterly boring what I was doing, but her
>sister of eight just loved it. Not because of the music, but because I
>am her guitar teacher, I waved to her during the concert and was
>playing _such_ a funny guitar! She had a great time despite the boring
>Now for us commenting on each other's YouTube videos. Valery made the
>point he knows what's there to improve in his playing and he doesn't
>need to be reminded (sorry if I oversimplify his statement or have it
>wrong. It is a point I want to make that actually does not need
>Valery's playing, it is not about his playing at all, but the example
>was conveniently at hand). Sorry, Valery, perhaps you don't, because I
>think if you really did know what is there to improve and how to
>improve it, you'd change it within weeks or months. One of my first
>videos had too many funny faces, grimaces. I withdrew it. My debut
>Baroque lute videos of last weekend received kind comments, I thank
>you all, but I know my tone has to improve, not all is quite steady
>and some ornaments were downright sloppy. Many of the lute players on
>YouTube play not legato enough. Or should we blame their microphones?
>Many don't hold notes to give them their 'proper' length, or is that
>debatable? Anyway, do I tell them directly? No, because I don't know
>them. I teach real people. People facing me, personalities I know. I
>know their ambitions and their sensitivities. Both are needed to find
>the right touch in making comments on their playing. What use is there
>if someone hears from me his playing is not legato enough and he
>should hold the bass, when all he wants is a pat on the back and
>praise for his brave efforts?
>Sorry, got carried away. Real theorbo pupil coming in half an hour.
>David van Ooijen
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