
1) Are the strings all breaking at the same place (i.e. all breaking at
the point they cross over the nut)?
If so, check for roughness at that location.

2)  Whose strings are you buying?  
It may be that you have received a weak batch from your supplier – try a
different source.

3) What material are you using?   
If gut, try a Nylgut chanterelle for the Summer.  The sound of the
chanterelle is usually the least dependent on the material of which it is

On Tue, 8 Jun 2010 09:27:54 +0300 Omer Katzir <> writes:
> It goes like this,
> Yesterday I drove to the other side of the country with my 10c, she 
> never goes out unless i'm going to a lesson, and it was hot day, 
> very hot day. 
> First I wanted to tune, and *SNAP* first string snapped right on my 
> face. Lucky for me, I had two more strings with me, so I tried to 
> replace it. But, my lute didn't wanted to...
> these strings also snapped and the peg gave me hard time spinning 
> it. Finally we gave up and played on Levi's lute (which is also 10c, 
> but much different then mine)
> I said ok, she might need some rest, so I wanted to replace that 
> string today, and give her a rest until tomorrow. But no! she still 
> don't want the string on her, snapped again, right into my eye!
> The  heat, and the cold also changed my frets, which is bad...but I 
> can handle the frets. I can't handle to be stringless. 
> Any suggestions on how to solve the strike?
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