I use the Square knot, but I thinkA the Sheet Bend knot wiould be





   On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Anthony Hind
   <[2]agno3ph...@yahoo.com> wrote:

     A  Dear All
     A  A  A  A  A I may need to lengthen a string which does not quite
     reach the
     A  peg, but goes well beyond the nut. I would like to attach it to a
     A  slightly thinner short piece of gut to reach the peg in question.
     A  remember that Stephen Gottlieb had done that for several strings
     on my
     A  lute; but I can no longer remember the type of knot he used. Can
     A  advise me, or tell me of a page where this knot is described.
     A  Regards
     A  Anthony
     A  --
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   1. http://www.woodburyscouts.org/troop480/images/knots.gif
   2. mailto:agno3ph...@yahoo.com
   3. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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