>" I wonder whether the D'Addario string was titanium T2 nylon with purple

"Purple Haze"? If that is a special Jimi Hendrix Classical guitar 
string, it seems like fusion gone totally amok.

No, this D'Addario string is just rectified nylon, which gives the 
illusion of being more harmonically true; seeming to have less 
extraneous noise, or perhaps less of the feeling of musical 
"deadness" that I can't escape sensing from nylon strings, on even 
the best lutes. It is still essentially a cold sound, wrong color: 
"... tend to find them coldish sounding (bluish transistor-like), 
particularly when a lutenist uses them with warm loaded basses 
(reddish valve-like,)"

-Perfect description of nylon vs. the 2nd course gut on my lute. But 
the brightness of the overall sound makes this tolerable- for now- to 
my ears. Sometimes one puts up with a marginally acceptable sound 
until cumulative annoyance makes them suddenly intolerable. I would 
like to get some of the new Nylgut before this event occurs.


>   Dear Dan
>          I am glad this may be a help, but I see you have far more
>    experience of nylon strings than I have, so you may not come to quite
>    the same conclusions as I did.
>    I wonder whether the Adario string was titanium T2 nylon with purple
>    haze? If so it might have something in common with Titanium Nylon
>    fishing line. It would be quite low density allowing a thicker string
>    for the same weight (as I mentionned, once before). However, I think
>    the T2 could seem quite reserved, if compared to the NNG; or the NNG
>    might be heard as quite bright when compared to Ti Nylon (which ever
>    you are used to, possibly).
>    The NNG go down to 1.04, I think.
>    The US distributor seems to be
>    [1]http://www.aquilausa.com/
>    but I don't know whether they will have the new string.
>    Best wishes from snow-sludgy Paris
>    Anthony
>    Daniel Winheld
>    Sun, 19 Dec 2010 09:12:34 -0800
>Thank you, Anthony- just the kind of report that you do so well, and
>your results will spur me on to get some of the new nylguts (Shall we
>just call them "NNG"?) -  chanterelles for my new workhorse
>Renaissance lute and as far down as possible on some of the others-
>4th course & possibly 5th, if they go as thick as about 1.05 mm.
>For the last month or so I have been using plain nylon on the R-lute
>chanterelle, as even the most durable guts have all shredded their
>way to Gut String Heaven- so the blending of that string with the
>all-gut rest of the lute matters very much. The best nylon
>chanterelle by far that I found was a .46 mm (.018") by D'Addario
>that a student of mine found at a guitar store- but they have just
>stopped making that size. I have been surprised at how different in
>quality, feel, and other subtle factors that nylon strings from
>different sources can be from each other. I
>  was coming to really like
>the D'Addarios.
>Anyone know who is dealing the new Nylguts in North America?


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