Greetings collective wisdom,

I don't recall if this specific topic has been discussed here before.
Considering the mandolino/mandola works in the Dalla Casa lute book, there
are some ornament indications that I'm not entirely certain how to
interpret.  If you have a copy or access, please consider the one-movement
Tinazzoli suonata (page 86 in the facsimile reprint).  There are two
instances of a small + sign.  In other mandolin music from the generation
immediately following, I would often take such things to simply indicate
some generic ornament, often a short trill.  However, in this particular
case, the first (occurring above a crotchet on the page's second system) is
followed by a single dot, and the second (occurring above a semiquaver on
the page's fifth and last system) is followed by two dots arranged
vertically.  The dots look to me to be deliberately placed and not errant
smudges.  Any idea of how these ornaments would have been executed?

Thanks for your thoughts,

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