Hello Mark,

I have not used Yisreal's tutor, but the Toyohiko Satoh is a good 
learning tool, but his technique has changed since he wrote it many 
years ago.

There is also Stefan Lundgren's Baroqeu Lute tutor, which I find very 
nice.  he has translated the teachings of the Gaultier's, Mouton, 
Gallot, and leSage de Richeel.


At 10:07 PM 6/12/2011, Mark Probert wrote:

>Hello, dear collective wisdom...
>I am about to embark on a Baroque lute journey, first stop France and
>places north (think de Visee and early 17th C).  Can anyone recommend
>any tutors for such, both period and modern?
>I notice that there is one by Miguel Yisreal published by Ut Orpheus,
>and another published by Tree courtesy of Mr Satoh.  Are these of value?
>Any others that come to mind?
>Many thanks .. mark
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Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
e-mail:  e...@gamutstrings.com
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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