I have used .42 beef gut for the best trebles- for durability & strength- from 
Toro, obtained through Universale-  I got them directly from the Viola da Gamba 
builder Marco Ternovec of Belgium when he came to the Berkeley Early Music 
Festival & Exhibition several years ago. If  these strings are still obtainable 
they should work for at least the 2nd & 3rd course as well. Maybe the 4th. And 
of course I have perfectly good trebles for my viola da gamba. 

It looks like real gut string buying is becoming more HIP "authentic"- the 
different kinds of strings coming from widely different sources, dependent on 
political, climatic, seasonal, and other environmental/health conditions in the 
real world.

"a little bit more of horse sense is recommended"
Horse Gut! 
Racing horses for trebles & fast passaggi, draft horses for basses & continuo.

Best wishes, and pray that we are spared from Mad Horse disease.

>  It is quite funny - and also a little bit alarming- to see, how the EU
>   bureaucracy becames the projection area for the strangest ideas and
>   fears. A reputation well earned, some may say, but a little bit more of
>   horse sense is recommended when one reads announcements like the one
>   about gut strings - (or, before, the one about the alleged prohibition
>   of natural medicine).
>   In fact many people here in Brussels are quite normal. I as a German
>   was at once sure that it must be a hoax, because we eat every day
>   12.689.344 sausages, many of them with a delicious skin of sheep gut. I
>   called a big producer of those so called "saitling" sausage skins: they
>   are producing happily and will go on forever. The same with Kuerschner
>   strings.
>   I asked people form the health department of the EU commission: guts no
>   topic at all.
>   If you want to read really strange laws, read your national legislation
>   :))
>    So: No idea, where the gut story comes from.
>   Perhaps we should still start in the good tradition one of those
>   internet petitions ;)
>   best wishes (while wishing is still allowed)
>   Bernd

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