On 01/31/2012 07:09 PM, Bruno Fournier wrote:

My wife is a luthier and always uses wet heat. Alcohol will damage the varnish and repairing the varnish is a lot of extra work, especially with violins and celli. (Although after the opening and closing of the instruments a varnish repair is also necessary with the wet heat tool, but much less). Using alcolhol is the amateur way of working. In the same line: A lutemaker in the netherlands used/uses woodglue to glue damaged lutebridges. Although he thinks himself a professional he's clearly not.

    Have always used wet heat.


    wouldn't regluing after be a problem? as there might be remnants of the
    alcohol preventing the glue from binding properly?





    On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 12:06 PM, William Samson
    <[1]willsam...@yahoo.co.uk>  wrote:

      A  I use alcohol - I learned the trick on a course I did in piano
      A  Very effective! A The downside is that it could hurt the finish -
      A  especially if it's a French polish. A Ordinary methylated spirit
      A  just fine.
      A  Bill
      A  From: Herbert Ward<[2]wa...@physics.utexas.edu>
      A  To: [3]lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
      A  Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 16:31
      A  Subject: [LUTE] Alcohol as glue breaker.

    A  I asked a luthier how he broke the glue joint in doing
    A  a repair. A I expected to hear a description of some
    A  variation of wet heat.
    A  To my surprise, he said that he used anhydrous ethyl
    A  alcohol (eg, 190 proof Everclear liquor).
    A  He said that the alcohol drawa all the water out of the
    A  glue, and that perfectly dry glue has no strength and
    A  comes apart easily.
    A  Does anyone else use alcohol? A Why do some luthiers use
    A  alcohol and others use wet heat?
    A  To get on or off this list see list information at

      A  [1][4]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
      A  --
      A  1. [5]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html



    Bruno Cognyl-Fournier






    1. mailto:willsam...@yahoo.co.uk
    2. mailto:wa...@physics.utexas.edu
    3. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
    4. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
    5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
    6. http://www.estavel.org/


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