I love this discussion and I hope, the big master can hear it!
   I fear he could say:"Do You really suppose I think of Your wretched
   lutes when the spirit gets hold of me?"
   Replace lute by violin, than this is what half a century later
   Beethoven said to the   violinist Schuppanzigh when
   he complained about the "unplayability" of a passage B. had written for
   him in a quartet.
   I confess, I like all parts of all "so called" "lute suites" of Bach.
   Some of them belong to his absolute masterworks.
   (Short time ago someone in the list recommended a great scientific
   analaysis of importance of the fuges in BWV 997 and 998,
   but unfortunately i have forgotten the source (Please help!)
   Yours Andreas of Berlin
   (excuse my english please)

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