Thanks for the link!

It's interesting: There's a second edition (without place) 1696 - but without 
the copperplate printings (now in D-SWl) and a third edition only with the 
copperplates from Mainz 1709 (one is in D-B)!


Am 12.06.2012 um 21:35 schrieb Rockford Mjos:

> I have just seen that a scan of Kremberg's Musicalische Gemüths- 
> Ergötzung (1689) has been posted on the IMSLP.
> (Kremberg,_Jakob)#IMSLP232519
> This new scan is much clearer than the microfilm I was working from  
> for my (mostly guitar) edition! I have yet to check the scan against  
> my interpretation of that blurry microfilm image.
> -- R
> --
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