Hi Bruno,

Are you looking for a dedicated tuner only? I considered the Turbo Tuner as it had programmable temperaments but balked on the price.

Currently I am using Gstrings for Android on an LG Gravity Smart and it works really well. It has a plethora of temperaments (2 flavors of Equal, 6 of Meantone, 1/7 to 1/11 comma, 2 Pythagorean, 2 just, Bach-Kellner, Kirnberger1&3, Niedhardt 1-3,Rameau, Werkmeister 1-4, Valotti, Young1&2, Zarlino and Great Highland Bagpipe). The range of the instrument, the microphone sensitivity, playback octave can be adjusted. The pitch can be set to just about anything.

The only weakness is no programmable temperaments but for free (with discreet advertising) or US $1.99 I can live with that. Of course a smartphone or tablet is required, but that isn't the challenge it used to be. I, for instance, never thought I would EVER own a smartphone but the deals out there are really attractive if one shops around.

It was used in a concert in May to tune an organo di legno, harpsichord and arpa doppia. In all cases it performed flawlessly.


From: "Bruno Correia" <bruno.l...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 8:01 PM
To: "List LUTELIST" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Subject: [LUTE] Tuner

  Has anybody experienced the Turbo tuner ST 122?


  I've been thinking about the Peterson SC1, but it has only 1/6


  Bruno Correia

  Pesquisador autonomo da pratica e interpretac,ao

  historicamente informada no alaude e teorba.

  Doutor em Praticas Interpretativas pela

  Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.



  1. http://www.turbo-tuner.com/st122-index.htm

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