You don't really need the 12th fret. Just play the harmonic!

Miles Dempster

On 2012-09-26, at 2:35 PM, Paolo Busato wrote:

> Strangely enough the lute in the Costa's painting has eleven frets (instead 
> of twelve) and the tenth fret "covers" only the 2nd, 3rd and 4th course.
> Paolo Busato lute-maker
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> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Winheld" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 5:53 PM
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: Best Body Frets?
>> William,
>> While body frets were certainly not standard (Francesco was just one player 
>> known for going above the frets, as not doubt was Pietro Bono and others) , 
>> they were an option going as far back as the late 15 Century- see Lorenzo 
>> Costa's "Concert", ca. 1485-95, National Gallery, London. 3 ebony looking 
>> frets right there on the 5 course lute.
>> Anyway, Not quite the point of my question. Been there, done that. My six 
>> course lute was body fretless for decades, and I had zero trouble nailing 
>> the notes with perfect intonation, after some practice. In fact, I have a 
>> new student who is a violinist. He almost can't stand ANY of the frets- neck 
>> and body- interfering with his ability to get the perfect intonation he is 
>> used to, and accomplishes very easily by touch/hearing. At least as 
>> beginner, he finds them very difficult.
>> But the necessity of clear, defined singing tone for those last 3, 4, or 
>> more semitones takes precedence in the music I am playing on these days. 
>> Which is why I put them on my eight course lute, which I was playing without 
>> body frets for the first 6 months after I got it-  and yes, it is great 
>> practice. But the freedom to get really get accurate intonation was trumped 
>> but the need for more clearly defined tone. A pity, really, as the 12th fret 
>> requires some tricky slanting to get the octave "n" in perfect tune from the 
>> first down to the 4th course, then others take their position cues from that 
>> fret. And they are not all perfect- compromising happens.
>> 17th century French practice is not 18th century German practice. While 
>> Dowland mentions ten tied frets in addition to body frets, 9 seems to have 
>> been standard and sufficient for the French virtuosos, but Weiss has you 
>> going right up to the octave, and there seem to be quite a number of late 
>> swan neck lutes with 14 total frets.
>> Sam- I wouldn't use that double sticky tape for more than temporary position 
>> exploring. I thought it was the cat's pajamas myself for a few weeks, then 
>> they started getting knocked around, and the sound (on my lute, of course!) 
>> was markedly inferior to properly glued frets. The tape layer that carries 
>> the glue creates a barrier to proper sound transmission- already compromised 
>> the further up you go- and makes fret thickness sizing more troublesome. 
>> Just my experience.
>> Dan
>> On 9/26/2012 12:26 AM, William Samson wrote:
>>>    What nobody has mentioned yet is that body frets, while not unknown,
>>>    were comparatively rare back in the day.  There's a brief mention of
>>>    them in 'Varietie' and only a few paintings show evidence of their
>>>    use.  Accurate stopping of the string on the soundboard might well have
>>>    been the norm - and of course a 'singing' tone would be out.  I suspect
>>>    the reason people want them is that Dowland used fret positions right
>>>    up to the 12th, and of course all the Bream recordings that lurk at the
>>>    back of many players' minds have a wonderful sustained tone on these
>>>    notes.  Would Dowland himself have used them or would they be regarded
>>>    as a crutch for amateur performers who couldn't stop the string
>>>    accurately - a bit like some learning violinists use tied-on frets?
>>>    After the longer-necked lutes of the early 17th century came along
>>>    (neck/body join at around the 10th fret usually) you have to look hard
>>>    to find pieces that use notes above the 10th fret, for the rest of that
>>>    century.
>>>    Bill
>>>    From: Dan Winheld <>
>>>    To:
>>>    Sent: Wednesday, 26 September 2012, 0:37
>>>    Subject: [LUTE] Best Body Frets?
>>>    A question tossed onto the waves of this Ocean of Lute Wisdom-
>>>    Any consensus regarding the best material for body frets? My woodies
>>>    often sound a little too "woody"- they are some light colored wood, no
>>>    idea what species; and lately I've been knocking them off the
>>>    soundboard. So instead of just regluing them, I wonder if other
>>>    materials might sound better (but still be easily glued, preferably
>>>    with white glue?)
>>>    I can think of ebony, maybe other legal/available tropical or other
>>>    hardwoods, other materials? Ivory-like materials, celluloid, etc? And a
>>>    format that's easy for the workshop-challenged non-luthier to deal
>>>    with. (non-tapered toothpicks, half-round or something of that nature.)
>>>    Thanks, all.
>>>    Dan
>>>    To get on or off this list see list information at
>>>    [1]
>>>    --
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>>>    1.

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