Funny, if I'm not mistaken, O'Dette said in interview that he was
   deeply inspired by Julian Bream's lute performances (records?). This
   seems more logical: Dowland played on a lute shaped instrument.
   2013/12/16 <[1]>

     As far as his influence on the lute: I heard Paul O'dette say that
     it was the "Six Lute Pieces from the Renaissance" based on
     Chilesotti (and made famous by Segovia) that inspired O'dette to
     seek out a lute. He was studying them on the guitar and he took the
     title of the piece seriously enough to find a lute.
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   Bruno Figueiredo

   Pesquisador autonomo da pratica e interpretac,ao
   historicamente informada no alaude e teorba.
   Doutor em Praticas Interpretativas pela
   Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.




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