You can go to to but the tickets as well.

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> On Feb 12, 2014, at 9:54 AM, John Lenti <> wrote:
>   Dear Lute friends,
>   My esteemed colleague Hideki Yamaya and I will present a program of
>   Italian lute duets, Saturday, February  16, 7:30 PM at the Community
>   Music Center in Portland, OR ([1]3350 SE Francis Street, Portland,
>   Oregon 97202)
>   Besides the central element of the Castaldi theorbo-tiorbino duets,
>   we'll also feature the Francesco/Matelart duets for unequal lutes, plus
>   accompanied and unaccompanied guitar and theorbo music.
>   The blurb, if you feel like sharing and helping to get the word out:
>   CAPRICCI A DUE STROMENTI: 17th-Century Duets for Lutes and Theorbos
>   John Lenti, lute and theorbo
>   Hideki Yamaya, lute, tiorbino, and Baroque guitar
>   Hideki Yamaya of Musica Maestrale will be joined by John Lenti,
>   lutenist for Portland Baroque Orchestra, for an exciting program of
>   Italian early baroque music for lutes and theorbos. Of particular
>   interest are duets by Bellerofonte Castaldi for theorbo and tiorbino,
>   or octave-pitched theorbo, an extremely rare instrument. Other
>   composers represented include Alessandro Piccinini and Johann
>   Hieronymus Kapsberger.
>   $14 general; $12 students/seniors
>   Best,
>   John
>   --
> References
>   1. http:///
> To get on or off this list see list information at

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