test 123 à b c ç
test , this is a test, à çççç èèèèèè


2014-02-25 15:08 GMT-05:00 wayne cripps <w...@cs.dartmouth.edu>:
> I see "test 123" then four a's with grave accents, c with cedilla,e repeated 
> three times, then 6 c's with cedilla, and three e's with circumflex.  This 
> came to me directly, so it didn't go through the robot.
>   W
> On Feb 25, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Bruno Fournier <br...@estavel.org> wrote:
>> this is  a test to see if I still get strange characters
>> test 123 àààà. çeçeçeççççççç êêê
>> 2014-02-25 14:18 GMT-05:00 Wayne Cripps <w...@cs.dartmouth.edu>:
>>> Hi lute people -
>>>  I recommend that when you compose a message to send to the
>>> lute list that you set the format to "plain" and avoid "rich
>>> text" and "HTML".  This will keep you from using formatting
>>> options that won't get past the mail list robot un-mangled.
>>>  The lute list robot converts every message to plain text because
>>> there was a time, not long ago in lute builders time, when many
>>> of the readers could not interpret the fancier HTML coding that
>>> would appear in their mailbox, and they complained loudly about
>>> it.  If it seems clear that now nobody is using a mail reader that
>>> doesn't understand HTML, I could start sending the mail on as
>>> HTML, which would allow people to use various fonts and colors
>>> in their messages.  This would not be trivial for me to do, and
>>> some small number of messages would still come through garbled,
>>> but it is a possibility, if everyone on the list wanted things
>>> to work that way.  I know a few people would be very excited
>>> to see HTML messages passed on in their original form, but I need
>>> to feel that everyone would prefer it.  So let me know, one way or
>>> the other.
>>>  Wayne
>>> To get on or off this list see list information at
>>> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
>> --
>> Bruno Cognyl-Fournier
>> www.estavel.org


Bruno Cognyl-Fournier


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