I have noticed one recurring mistake that lutenists are making with straps.
I'm no bigtime performer, just an amateur for fifty years, but I have built
a number of Lutes and Vihuelas, and I see a problem some lutenists are
making with their straps.  Attaching a strap to a button that is pinned
through the end of the lute and into the tail block is just fine.  Attaching
a strap to the pegbox is NOT.  The pegbox is already under a great deal of
tension from the strings.  The added tension from a strap, no matter how
slight, is just multiplying the chances for a difficulty to occur.  It is
always advisable to mount a button through the center stave and into the
neck block less than an inch from the neck/body joint.  On Vihuelas and
Baroque and Renaissance Guitars the button should be pinned through the neck
block centered and less than an inch from the heel, or into the heel itself
if it is large enough.  I have done this, and it works.  Others have been
happy with it as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu] On Behalf
Of Charles Mokotoff
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:44 AM
To: LuteNet list <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Lute Strap

   Thanks to everyone for the replies. What is clear from my looking the
   URLs over is that:
   1. No one in the USA is selling these
   2. They are a bit expensive for what you get
   However, I understand that some of these are quite beautiful and much
   nicer than anything I could probably cobble together.
   More importantly, I played around with my version some more and noticed
   that, yes, the lute is sitting stable on the RIGHT thigh, rather than
   in between the thighs with a footstool, (essentially I hold the
   instrument as if it were a classical guitar). This used to work in my
   younger years, not so much now. But, playing thumb out and using the
   strap, it still is uncomfortable and tends to put my hand over the rose
   or even closer to the neck. Perhaps just needs some time to adjust?
   Nigel North's strap configuration looks a bit different than what Paul
   Thanks, again.

   On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 4:07 PM, Charles Mokotoff
   <[2]mokot...@gmail.com> wrote:

        Does anyone know where I could get this strap that Paul O'Dette
        referring to in this interview?
        I have tried jury-rigging something similar but it isn't working
        that well for me. My lute looks about the same size as the
        Paul is holding.
        Thanks for any words of wisdom on this, I've been wanting to sit
        differently for some time.
        1. [4]https://youtu.be/tQ5vltWA0IY?t=15m27s
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   1. https://youtu.be/c7wLjIF1N5o
   2. mailto:mokot...@gmail.com
   3. https://youtu.be/tQ5vltWA0IY?t=15m27s
   4. https://youtu.be/tQ5vltWA0IY?t=15m27s
   5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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