A late response to this thread:
        I have an LP by Walter Gerwig called "The Baroque Lute" (Nonesuch, late
60's?) featuring compositions by Bach, Buxtehude, and Pachelbel.  Haven't
had it out in a long time, so I can't say for sure which pieces are on it.

Leonard Williams

On 2/25/16, 10:27 AM, "Mayes, Joseph" <lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu on behalf
of ma...@rowan.edu> wrote:

>OOPS! Forgot this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PQPgmz3j1E
>On 2/25/16 9:30 AM, "Lex van Sante" <lvansa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've not been able to find this recording. Neither the one by
>> However I found one by Walter Gerwig. By the way the name of the
>>composer is
>> Pachelbel.
>> Happy luting
>> Lex
>> Op 25 feb 2016, om 15:17 heeft Edward Martin het volgende geschreven:
>>>   Anthony Bailes also recorded this suite.
>>>   On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 3:01 AM, Peter Steur <[1]p.st...@inrim.it>
>>>   wrote:
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>>>   BTW the first recording that I'm aware of is by Eugen Dombois, on
>>>   ...
>>>   Peter
>>>   -------Messaggio originale-------
>>>   Da: Wayne
>>>   Data: 23/02/2016 18:32:08
>>>   A: [2]lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>>   Oggetto: [LUTE] Re: Pachenbel suite for theorbo
>>>   Peter Steur contributed them, and as Arto says, for baroque lute.
>>>     Wayne
>>>   To get on or off this list see list information at
>>>   [3]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
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>>>   <DIV>BTW&nbsp;the first recording that I'm aware of is by Eugen
>>>   Dombois, on vinyl ...</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>Peter&nbsp;</DIV></DIV></DIV>
>>>   <DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV id=IncrediOriginalMessage style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt"
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>>>   <DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt" dir=ltr><I><B>Da:</B></I> <A
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>>>   <DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt" dir=ltr><I><B>Data:</B></I> 23/02/2016
>>>   18:32:08</DIV>
>>>   <DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt" dir=ltr><I><B>A:</B></I> <A
>>>   V>
>>>   <DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt" dir=ltr><I><B>Oggetto:</B></I> [LUTE]
>>>   Pachenbel suite for theorbo</DIV></DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>Peter Steur contributed them, and as Arto says, for baroque
>>>   lute.</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;Wayne</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
>>>   <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
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>>>   --
>>> References
>>>   1. mailto:p.st...@inrim.it
>>>   2. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>>   3. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
>>>   4. mailto:wst...@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>>   5. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>>   6. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>>   7. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
>>>   8. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
>>>   9. 
>>>  10. 
>>> ,16,1,1953940358219890687
>>>  11. 
>>>  12. 
>>>  13. 
>>>  14. 
>>>  15. 
>>>  16. 
>>>  17. 
>>>  18. 
>>>  19. 
>>>  20. 
>>>  21. 
>>>  22. 
>>> 219890687

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