Hello Rainer, and fellow cinephile Lutists,

This is a long standing topic of mine...
Movies mess up the music and/or historical facts nearly all the time...
I wonder why that is? There's really good and authentic music for almost all purposes available, yet the makers choose some pseudo historical orchestral music, sometimes most hilariously acted as if played on real Renaissance instruments. Also, the absence of music in many scenes is irritating, where historical environments would certainly have had some musicians playing.

However, some movies seem curiously real, though they are designed to be anachronistic. One of my favorites is "Bill", a Pythonesque (yet much more heartwarming) comedy about the dark years of Shakespeare. This is a must see, and though there are no original lute pieces in it, the soundtrack contains many real lutes. The movie is much better than "Shakespeare in Love" and much funnier, yet very respectful, and gets more facts right, for example: the Queen is already old and grumpy. The story is complex and extremely witty. Also, much detail is put into lesser figures. My favorite is the palace guard who comments on his favorite entertainment music or trumpet calls, though he can only hear them from outside the hall. Do not watch the trailer, or at least keep in mind that the music in it does not appear in the movie.

Which is everyone's favourite Period Movie when it comes to well placed authentic music?


Am 06.09.2017 um 17:41 schrieb Rainer:

This reminds me of "Shakespeare in Love" which I recently watched a second time on German TV - with very mixed feelings :)

Of course there are many weird ideas. The queen would never enter a public theatre.

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