According to Dan Brown in his newest book, "Origins", Beethoven was the
   inventor of "bone conduction technology", who upon going deaf,
   discovered that he could fix a metal rod to his piano, and bite down on
   it as he played, enabling him to hear perfectly, through vibrations in
   his jaw bone.
   And "BAD" music? Well, it's all relative, but I have to say, that I
   pity the hordes of poor sophomore students who have to dredge through
   those endless uninspiring etudes of low musical value, when learning
   the piano or the classical guitar, by third rate composers who should
   have kept to their painting.

   On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:54 AM, Alain Veylit
   <[1]> wrote:

     Hi everyone,
     I have set up a transcription project for the Filippo Dalla Casa
     Bologna manuscript -- see [2]http://fandango.musickshandmad
     I am a little concerned however that many people seem to think that
     music is really, really bad... - so bad that it is not worth
     transcribing from grand staff to tablature, thus keeping it in the
     safe zone of the not seen, not heard until the end of times (and
     perhaps beyond, if at all possible)
     I personally find that music not worse than average -   I know
     little about the 1760s music-wise... Am I the only one with such bad
     taste in music I cannot recognize "bad music"????
     What makes bad lute music? Does it even exist? What - or who - comes
     to mind? Have you met with it? What do you think about the Dalla
     Casa music (some of which is not by him)? Do you think he should
     have stuck to his painter's brushes?
     PS: bad French joke: Beethoven was so deaf that all his life he
     thought he was a painter...
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