There are so very nice Italian songs in Robert Dowland's Musical Banquet - see


On 01/07/2018 05:59 AM, Christopher Stetson wrote:
    Hello, Leonard and all.
    I've been waiting for any of the more learned, less anecdotally-based
    members to join in, but no one seems to be jumping so I'll chime in.
    Much of the English music of the late 16th/early 17th c. is very
    Italian influenced, as is, for that matter, music from anywhere in
    Europe.   For specific examples, any of the Passamezzi, Rogero
    (Ruggiero), Greensleeves (Romanesca?), Sing We and Chant it (A Lieta
    Vita), etc.   However, if you're trying for an authentic performance
    practice, I doubt if the band at the Globe would have given any thought
    to incorporating specifically Italian tunes in the playlist for MoV.
    I hope this helps,

    On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 6:51 PM, Leonard Williams
    <[1]> wrote:

      Collective Elizabethan Wisdom:
              A local company is performing Merchant of Venice in a few
      months.   I'm wondering what Italian pieces might be appropriate
      based on their inclusion in British MSS of the day? Is there a
      record of any of the tunes originally referenced in the play?
      Since I would very likely not be performing them, a discography woud
      be most useful.
      Grazie mille!
      Leonard Williams
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