I understand these as 'French' 1st and 2nd endings, where the second
   ending is written first, and the first ending written last. You find
   these a lot in French Baroque. Very confusing when sight reading
   chamber music, as there's always some poor soul  getting lost  (usually
   me, to the merriment of the others),  espcially when these endings are
   combined with 'petite resprises'.

   David van Ooijen
   On 21 January 2018 at 13:08, Rainer <[3]rads.bera_g...@t-online.de>

     Dear lute netters,
     I wonder what Vallet's intention in
     "L'Espagnolle", page 80, Secret des Muses I
     It is not at all clear how interpret the double bar lines, the half
     notes at the end of both strains and the repeat sign.
     Obviously Andre Souris had no idea either - he reproduced the piece
     as it appears in the original.
     The scribe of the Kassel lute book (Monbuyssant? or Elisabeth?) 99v
     simply ignores the double bar lines and changes the first half note
     to a dotted half note.
     This is certainly plausible. He should have changed the second half
     note, too.
     Any ideas, anybody?
     To get on or off this list see list information at



   1. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
   2. http://www.davidvanooijen.nl/
   3. mailto:rads.bera_g...@t-online.de
   4. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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