I should have said, since images don't get transmitted, that it was a 9 course 1x1, 8x2 and that any treble rider was out of sight in that photo, but I have another which shows that there was no treble rider and shows the correct number of pegs for the 9 course as above. Weirdly Dolmetsch decided to make it 9x2 when he altered it.

1598 is a bit early for a 9 course though not impossible and certainly the pegbox looks utterly okay for an original.

Best wishes,


Well here it is before the surgery!!

Best wishes,


At 19:50 +0200 21/10/18, Martin Shepherd wrote:
Dear All,

Does anyone have any information/drawings etc of the Harton lute (dated 1598) in the Folger Shakespeare Library?

The photos I have suggest the original was an 8c lute, with a treble rider (and tragically reduced neck) by Dolmetsch.

It still makes me feel queasy to contemplate the moment when Dolmetsch sawed off the neck to make it a lute "in G".



P.S. Just look at Robert Lundberg's photos, the amazing yew back, and weep....

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