Hi, all, and my apologies if I open a can-o'-worms here.

I have recently been reading, as you do, an early English translation 
of Fux's "Gradus ad Parnassum" (from around the 1740s) and, early on, 
it contains the line:

  See the following Example in D. la.sol.re.

Now this edition is a reduction of the original and skips the early 
part on theory and takes out the dialogues leaving the essence of 
compositional techniques (it is titled, "Practical Rules for Learning 
Composition"). Which means there is some assumed knoweldge about theory 
going on here.

And I am, sad to say, ignorant of the actual meaning of "D la.sol.re". 
Can anyone please point me in the direction of a primer or similar that 
goes through how the English might have described tonality in the 

Many thanks

 .. mark.

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