A belated thanks to Arthur for his information on F.W. Rust. I foolishly attempted a transcription of the C Major sonata for lute and viola in notation (see https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/werkansicht?PPN=PPN882226452&PHYSID=PHYS_0001&DMDID=).

It is quite challenging for a number of reasons: handwriting, notation shortcuts, unclear harmonies  etc. Reconstituting the lute part is tricky. It looks to me that the bass clef has to be understood as being one octave down from what one might expect. Without that transposition, none of the lute's diapasons would be used... Transposing means some tricky arpeggios for the thumb all on diapasons. (see the first staff on the facsimile)

Any advice on this issue? I strongly lean towards transposition, even though it does not resolve all the problems...


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