Thanks for this Luke. I heard José Luis Pastor perform in 2011 in Gijon, and he 
was absolutely amazing. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 25, 2019, at 12:10 PM, Luke Emmet <> wrote:
> Perhaps slightly earlier than you had in mind, but not so long ago at the UK 
> Lute Society we had a presentation and recital by Jose Luis Pastor on the use 
> of the plectrum in Medieval Lute playing.
> His accompanying CD called "The Evidence" provides a very compelling 
> performance and demonstrates the capabilities of what can be achieved with 
> lute plectrum technique.
> If you want to hear what an accomplished lute plectrum technique can sound 
> like, I recommend this. Contains a fair amount of strumming across partially 
> damped strings - similar to the lyre technique seen below. And very musical 
> performance to boot.
> Best Wishes
> - Luke
>> On 25-Apr-2019 06:13, Tristan von Neumann wrote:
>> This video by Prof. Stefan Hagel, specialized in Ancient Greek Music, is
>> very interesting as it leads to a question that is lingering for a while
>> now that has been addressed here as I recall - and it pops up whenever I
>> see chords that require more than 4 fingers in the right hand.
>> First enjoy some Kithara playing:
>> As you can see, it is suggested and it seems supported by iconography
>> that the strings were played with a plectrum and the muting of unwanted
>> strings.
>> The strumming accentuates the rhythm, which is very important in greek
>> music, as it is derived from the Greek poetry and the very melodious and
>> rhythmically pronounced language itself.
>> Considering that the Lute in the 16th century is seen as a conscious
>> revival of the ancient Kithara or similar stringed instruments, the
>> function of chords especially in dance music and in vocal intabulations
>> would be also to support rhythm.
>> Yet, we do not often hear strummed lutes, though it is clearly a
>> technique at least in Germany, judging from the explicitely strummed
>> pieces in Newsidler's Books or the Munich Manuscript, and early stuff
>> like Dalza is often written to strum. These chords are written to
>> contain on all courses notes of an allowed chord, or allow partial use
>> of the courses in one strum, no rules broken here if you happily indulge
>> in those.
>> But when it comes to clusters for example at the end of the fantasies in
>> the Thistlethwaite lute book or in Albert de Rippe, some of the chords
>> are very awkward to finger in the right hand (also in the left, but
>> that's probably because I am not a pro...).
>> The most puzzling settings are in the Donaueschingen Lute Book - 5 or 6
>> voice madrigals are set correspondingly in the lute - leading to chord
>> clusters that cannot possibly played without strumming if you want to
>> preserve the rhythmic character of the original. Wondrously, almost all
>> chords create a pleasing harmony or create the effect of a
>> Durchgangsdissonanz, even if the courses are all strummed. But if other
>> fingerings would have been used, the effect would not be as good or
>> would emphasize a note not favorable in the strummed chord.
>> The question arises: Is there any mentioning of this problem for example
>> in Fronimo or other treatises about how to intabulate so you are able to
>> strum, even though only the notes that are "in line with the rules" are
>> notated in the tablature (or as it often seems, only the frame notes of
>> the strum), or implying such a technique.
>> Considering the madrigals in Donaueschingen could possible be used to
>> accompany a singer, this practice would fall in line with the early
>> developments of Basso Continuo, and would make a great effect. We know
>> Luzzaschi and Gesualdo did it, but no tabs survived or were ever
>> created. Only recently, madrigal groups have added lutes to the full
>> vocals, my favorite is this album:
>> It was discussed in one episode of me:mo, and I found it intriguing,
>> some seem to find it aweful.
>> I think the use of lute, ceterone and guitar is absolutely enriching the
>> madrigals, and some strumming is heard from the ceterone and the guitar,
>> obviously.
>> A while ago I have recorded this idea with "Venuta era madonna" by
>> Marenzio, and while sight-reading I decided to try to employ the Kithara
>> effect (sorry, not a pro).
>> This is by the way imho one of the most beautiful lute pieces ever with
>> lush harmonies bordering on impressionist Debussy-like stuff (especially
>> with the ring of the additional courses), highly recommended like the
>> whole manuscript.
>> Anyway, here it is, with links to the madrigal and the intabulation in
>> French tabs are included in the description:
>> I would love to play this with a singer, but some of you (hi Ron! :))
>> may be able to do it much better. I would love to hear the Madrigals of
>> the Donaueschingen Lute Book done as lute songs.
>> Would you consider this a viable concept or is there no basis for more
>> strumming?
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> Orlando Lutes

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