On Tue, 19 Jan 2016 10:12:12 AM Piers Rowan via luv-main wrote:

> The server is a VM on a host server that also provides http / mysql 
> services. The host server runs cron jobs to poll the email server 
> (importing data from mail boxes into the CRM) so - to clutch at straws - 
> I am not sure if the host and guest are competing for the disk IO at the 
> same time with these calls. Contrary to that is that the host server 
> does not experience any slow downs.

Some ideas that I've not seen mentioned before yet:

1) perf top - to see where the system is spending time as a whole (and if you 
need to drill down on a process you can do perf top -p $PID).

2) latencytop - as long as your kernel has CONFIG_LATENCYTOP

3) iotop - if your version is new enough then the -o option will hide idle 
processes, otherwise just press 'o' when you get the main display.

Best of luck!
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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