On Friday, 12 August 2016 5:21:43 PM AEST Erik Christiansen wrote:

> Is the article perhaps a furphy?

The attack is quite real, LWN has a nice little summary here:


It's subscriber content only until Thursday (from memory) but LWN is an 
awesome website and they are really need (and deserve) the communities 

One thing it says there is:

# Cao did alert kernel developers to the problem, which was fixed in
# the mainline in July (and appears in the 4.7 kernel). The fix raises the
# limit to 1000 challenge ACKs per second, but also adds some
# randomization to the value so that counting will be less effective. In
# addition, the patch notes per-socket rate-limiting is available, which
# could lead to the removal of the global challenge ACK count down the
# road; some work toward that end has been merged as well.
# The fix has not made it to the stable kernels yet, but there is a
# mitigation available in the form of the tcp_challenge_ack_limit
# sysctl knob. Setting that value to something enormous (e.g. 999999999)
# will make it much harder for attackers to exploit the flaw.

All the best,
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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