Hi David.

Without knowing what "scap" does, I can't be sure what it's supposed to do.

Keep in mind that cron doesn't have the majority of the environment
variables that an interactive shell session will normally have, it
could be that scap can't run successfully without one or more of them.

If, as the name seems to imply it is a screen capture program, then
it probably doesn't have the "DISPLAY" environment vaiable set, or
for that matter have permission to access $DISPLAY even if the variable
is set.

Try dropping in another temporary entry in your crontab to run
"set > /tmp/cron_env.txt" to see what environment SCAP is trying
to run within.

Or add "> /tmp/scap.debug 2>&1" to the end of your crontab line
to capture any outout and error messages.


-----Original Message-----
From: luv-main [mailto:luv-main-boun...@luv.asn.au] On Behalf Of David Zuccaro 
via luv-main
Sent: Thursday, 22 December 2016 6:35 PM
To: Luv Main
Subject: Every 2 Minutes cronjob

This is my crontab file:

# m  h  dom mon dow command
   */2 *  *   *   *   /sbin/scap
   30  00 *   *   *   /sbin/dzbu
   30  06 *   *   *   /sbin/dzbu
   30  12 *   *   *   /sbin/dzbu
   30  18 *   *   *   /sbin/dzbu
   37  *  *   *   *   /sbin/cleanpng

The first cron job (scap) does not seem to be being started. However 
dzbu does get started. Running scap from the command line works fine.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?



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