consider containerising whatever work load you intend to secure...

On 19 February 2018 at 20:36, Mark Trickett via luv-main <> wrote:

> Hello rory,
> On 2/18/18, Rory Geoghegan via luv-main <> wrote:
> > Thanks everyone for the advice,
> >
> > @ Mark, I've got a process for him that we are soon to execute, the last
> > thing I had to work out is which OS is the  most suitable. I will mention
> > Debian to him and see what he says.
> All computers need a system administrator. You and he need to both
> learn. It is a bit like a toaster, fail to clean and the crumbs get
> mouldy, a health risk, and the prospect of starting a fire. Too many
> expect to just turn on the toaster and not clean now and then, and
> treat the computer the same. They do not deserve even the technology
> of the stone age.
> > @Andrew, he's happy to use libre but apparently there's just times when
> > word is the only option
> If Word is the only option, then the option is poorly stated or needs
> to be discarded. Word is a problem with no solution, except the demise
> of Microsoft.
> > @Russell would you also suggest Debian meets those requirements you
> listed?
> Russell is a Debian developer, at least at times. As to your needs,
> look at the various distributions, but remember to scratch under the
> surface. The desktop matters, whether Gnome, KDE, Mate, Mint or other
> lightweight option. Then remember that most will support most
> applications, and can be given a different theme and background for
> the eye candy. Look to the functionality first, that is what you and
> he have to live with.
> As to whether the Debian package management, or the Red Hat derived
> ones, you need to find what works your way. The reason I go for Debian
> and such is the package management tools, especially the handling of
> dependencies. This is less of an issue with the higher level package
> management front ends for Red Hat based systems, but it is built into
> the base level and fully available with the Debian package management
> tools.
> Do be aware that there are other package management means, from Gentoo
> using source based and compiling everything, to the way Slackware uses
> tarballs, tape archives, a collection of concatenated files, usually
> also compressed, and a small amount of extra detail, but not to the
> levels of the RPM or DEB packages.
> The big advantage of Linux is the diversity and choices, so that you
> can make it work the way you want. The downside is that you do have to
> be engaged, but that has big benefits as time goes on.
> > Thanks again.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sincerely Rory Geoghegan
> Regards,
> Mark Trickett
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