On Sunday, 10 July 2022 01:44:42 AEST Luke Attard via linux-aus wrote:
>   I formally nominate myself to fill the causal Vacancy position of
> President for LUV, and therefore take on the responsibility for the
> president's mailbox, and the responsibility for completing/delegating
> out the other tasks that have been discussed that needs seeing too.

To get a new president we need to have an AGM, which we haven't had for some 
years.  Such a meeting needs to have advance notice of at least a month.  So 
we could plan an AGM for September, formally announce it within a week, and 
then accept your nomination.

Some things to note, firstly it's convention that someone's first committee 
position isn't as president.  So while it's not impossible it will be an 
uphill battle if someone else contends for the position.  The next thing is 
that it's not required that someone be president to read the president email, 
being on the committee is required for such things but ordinary committee 
members can be appointed by general agreement without an election.

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